What would your life look like if your Raiser’s Edge™ database was tidy, users were putting the right data in the right fields, and everyone was on the same page when it came to data collection?
Dreamy, right?!
Guess what? It’s possible and your current Raiser’s Edge™ database is fixable! Discover the database standards system that takes you from the “wild west” in your database to an orderly, logical fundraising system.
Purchase The Raiser’s Edge™ Database Standards ProjectYou’re in the right place if any of these resonate with you:
- Everybody puts data in different places inside Raiser’s Edge™
- There are inconsistencies in how we code our donors and gifts
- Data is being housed outside of the database (usually in Excel spreadsheets)
- Nobody trusts the database or mailing lists
- We can’t pull accurate reports and they need a lot of manual manipulation
- Donors get mailings with name errors or we accidentally send to dead people
We get it!
And, we’ve helped hundreds of organizations build and implement Raiser’s Edge™ database standards. You can overcome this too!
Introducing…The Raiser’s Edge™
Database Standards Project!
A end-to-end online course that takes you through the step-by-step process of building Raiser’s Edge™ standards and implementing them.
Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn inside the 5 core video lessons of the Database Standards Project:
- We’ll calibrate on exactly what database standards are and how can they help you move from chaos to order in your fundraising database
- We’ll show you how to draft your standards and we’ll supply you with a 10+ page document with standards for Raiser’s Edge™
- We’ll give you tips and tricks for engaging the team in your standards building. We need their buy-in and when the team is engaged in the process, the implementation goes much smoother.
- We’ll talk through how to implement your standards and get Raiser’s Edge™ up to standard
- We’ll provide you with next steps and additional resources so that your database standards last for many years into the future!
You’ll learn how to turn your Raiser’s Edge™ database into an oasis WITHOUT needing to rethink the configuration of your systems.

And because this information is so powerful, I’m able to charge over $3,000 to teach it to my clients one-on-one. I’ve even taught this material in group coaching sessions for $2,500 a pop. Why?
Because with this information, fundraising departments are able to fix their broken systems, give their donors a better experience, and keep all of their data in one platform.
And that’s why you get instant access to The Raiser’s Edge™ Database Standards Project for just one payment of $197.
Purchase The Raiser’s Edge™ Database Standards Project For $197!Also - if you sign up for The Raiser’s Edge™ Database Standards Project today, you’ll receive some exclusive bonuses:
- Bonus 1 - Access to our resource library and all tools within, including white papers, quick win videos, and templates and tools (valued at $240)
- Bonus 2 - Access to one of our best-selling policies: our Donor Privacy/Data Retention Policy (valued at $300)

Imagine a year from today when your entire team understands what data will be captured and where it will live in your database. This will save you dozens of hours not having to clean up your database!
Take Me To The Course